Friday, June 5, 2009

Mr. Right Always

(sorry this will be a long blog)
I was reading a joke the other day about a young lady that recently had gotten married. She had met with some of her classmates and they were excited about the news of her wedding.
They asked how married life was and wanted to know about her husband. The new bride stated that she had finally found Mr. Right, but said, I just did not know his last name was "Always."
(Most of us men would have preferred that this joke stated Mrs. Right, but we will not deal with that issue in this blog.)
I was thinking about this joke and I began to realize that in everyone of us there is this drive to be right "Always." Most people want the satisfaction of being the one with the correct answers. I will admit that very few times in my life I have been incorrect in my opinion, until someone comes along and deflates my statement with the real facts and then I realize how few times I am correct. Kind of like the statement that "most statistics are made up." Anyone can make up so called facts.
I have met people that honestly have an answer to basically every situation, sometimes the answers is correct, but sadly sometimes it is not. One young man made the statement one day that "He was a vast resource of useless knowledge" and most people are not interested in useless knowledge.
As I thought about this subject there is nothing wrong with having answers, but the problem comes into play when we think all others are wrong except us. This could and can become great problems in our lives both in the physical realm and the spiritual realm.
In the physical realm there is nothing wrong with trying to better yourself with education so as to provide for our families in a greater way. But on the other hand problems arise when your great wisdom makes people feel like their opinion is not worthy of your interest because they are always wrong.
In the spiritual realm we all know that each of us needs a closer and deeper walk with the Lord. The word of God was given as an instruction book, with guidelines for us from the stage of birth til death. 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:"

We were given instructions to know Gods word in 2 Timothy 2:15
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
I will be the first to admit most of us do not study the word of God like we should. The scripture in 2 Timothy 2:15 makes a it clear that our studying is not to bring attention to ones self, but that we would be approved unto God. Then that we would be a workman that should not be ashamed, because we have become dependant upon the Holy Spirit and studying that we "rightly dividing the word of Truth."
A while back I was in a conversation with a person who informed me that the Bible was correct in some things, but was incorrect in other things. They went on to explain that because it was written by men, that makes the Bible fallible. They left out the scripture that stated that these men were moved upon by the Holy Ghost.
In our discussion I was asking how they knew that part of the bible was correct and some was not correct? He said that he would pray and that God would tell him what part of the Bible was right and what was wrong. The sad thing about this entire conversation was this person was very serious. I then stated to him that I thought it to be somewhat comical, that God would looked down and say, "oops, I made a mistake in the Bible." Now here is how I will correct it, I will tell you what is right and what is wrong, and then you will have all the answers to every ones problem." Needless to say this person did not have the same sense of humor I possessed and took offense. You see the problem did not stem with the Bible being incorrect, the problem was that this person did not want to abide by the word of God. During our conversation I noticed a pattern, the things in the Bible that was not correct, and was not a sin, were the things that he desired to do, so conveniently the Bible needed correcting to justify his actions.
Romans 3:4 "God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar ; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged."
Here is the facts, God's word is settled, it is unchangeable, it is the final authority, and whether you or I want to live by it will be our own decision. A young man made the statement to me that he had to realize that he was 100% wrong and God was 100% right before he ever received salvation, I thought that is something all of us need to remember.

People often come to us and ask for our advice, I have come to the realization that my advice is simply my opinion, unless it is backed up by the Word of God or past experiences of either victory or failure. If one is always right, and never wrong, then one must be decieved in their own heart..
One day while praying God began to speak to my heart with, "one that is always right has no need of being taught, and one that can never be taught, will never be qualified to teach."

I have decided to change my name to Mr. R.M.S
(Right Maybe Sometimes)

Let God be true...

Proverbs 12:15 "The way of a fool [is] right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel [is] wise."

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